Greetings cosmic truth seekers! Welcome to your 2023 astrological forecast. The first half of this year focuses on financial security and stability. This is triggered by the remaining transit of the south node of the moon in Scorpio and the north node of the moon in Taurus. The second half of this year focuses on the outer planets transiting through either Water or Earth elements. This is favorable for emotional stabilization for the globe. In July, the south node of the moon enters the objective and relationship sign of Libra, while the north node of the moon enters the action sign of Aries. These transits along with a Venus retrograde during the summer portends that many will have relationships spotlighted. There will be sudden changes, some commitments and many couples reuniting this year. The following is a general forecast for all 12 zodiac signs, followed by the lunar cycles. I wish you an open mind and heart on your cosmic journey this year.
Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and luck, transits through your sign from the beginning of the year until mid-may. This can be an auspicious time to pursue a new job or a promotion. Saturn, the planet of discipline and structure, enters the sign of Pisces in March. Since Pisces is the 12th sign from Aries, this transit is meant to expose any unconscious thoughts or behaviors that limit your potential. This transit can also unearth unresolved conflicts with others and may bring people from your past back into your life. This can be an inspirational and insightful year.
Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and luck, enters your sign in mid May and will stay in your sign for one year. This is favorable for increase in finances and personal expansion in any area of life. You could achieve personal recognition or a promotion. This transit could also lead to weight gain so moderation is the key. The full moon lunar eclipse on May 5th aspects Uranus, the planet of sudden change and liberation. This potent full moon could lead to a sudden relocation or a change in your family dynamics. The eclipse period is November 2023 – November 2024.
The first quarter of the year shows transiting Mars, the planet of action and energy, retrograde and then moving through its shadow period. This is favorable for moving forward and pursuing any passionate projects, especially in February and March. Those born in May will be impacted by transiting Saturn, the planet of discipline and structure, in Pisces from March till year end. This is a period of disciplined focus and hard work. The new moon on June 18th squares Neptune, the planet of compassion and inspiration, which can prompt one to develop a spiritual practice such as yoga or meditation.
Saturn, the planet of discipline and structure, makes a positive aspect to your sign starting in March. This is favorable for focused attention to a project or career goal. This is also favorable for taking courses to expand knowledge on spiritual or metaphysical studies. The outer planets, Jupiter through Pluto are either in Earth or Water signs the second half of the year. This is extremely favorable for doors opening, releasing unconscious blocks and for wishes coming true.
Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and luck, transits the fire sign of Aries the first five months of this year. This is auspicious to pursue any new venture and for travel plans, especially long distance. Venus, the planet of love and money, transits your sign from June through October, including a retrograde period from July through September. The retrograde period could reunite your twin flame or an old love interest. Finances or existing relationships can go through sudden changes especially in August when Venus squares Uranus.
Saturn, the planet of discipline and structure, enters your polar opposite sign of Pisces this year. This transit will last into 2025. This is a period of balance between hard work and spiritual rejuvenation. This transit will trigger much needed personal healing and a change on daily habits or behaviors which no longer serves you. Relationships could end or be restructured if not healthy. The transiting trine from Uranus, the planet of sudden changes and liberation, provides an added boost of energy to effect changes, especially those born in September.
Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and luck, enters your polar opposite sign of Aries to start the year. This transit will last until mid-may and can bring dating prospects if single. This is also favorable for networking in business and for building positive relationships. This year will also usher in the eclipse season for your sign. The strong solar eclipse on October 14th will be impacted by both, Uranus and Neptune, triggering a new chapter in any area of your life. This eclipse period can affect your sign from April 2023-April 2024.
Your sign is still in the midst of major changes due to the recent and upcoming eclipses, and the transit of the south node of the moon in Scorpio and the north node of the moon in your polarity in Taurus. The full moon eclipse on May 5th affects those born between November 5th -10th, and the full moon eclipse on October 28thh affects those born between October 2th -30th. These lunar events can trigger domestic changes or changes in relationships. Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and luck, enters your polar opposite sign of Taurus in mid may. This transit is favorable for financial gains or positive returns on investments. This is also auspicious for networking and initiating business projects.
Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and luck, transits through the fire sign of Aries the first half of the year. This is favorable energy for taking risk associated with love or romance, especially in March when transiting Venus, the planet of love and money, meets up with Jupiter. Saturn, the planet of discipline and structure, enters the sign of Pisces in March for a couple of years. This transit can bring a change in your domestic environment or a possible loss. This could also add another chapter in your career path.
This year starts off with Mercury, the planet of communication, retrograde in your sign. This retrograde can affect travel plans, communication and electronics. Patience and caution is the best way to navigate this transit. Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and luck, enters your area regarding home and family. This could lead to home improvements, a new pet, or an addition to the family, especially the first half of the year. Pluto, the planet of transformation, will make its last transit through your sign until 2024. Expect a major change for those born January 17th – 20th.
Saturn, the planet of discipline and structure, completes its 2 + year transit in your sign in March. This last transit will affect those born February 12th – 18th. Saturn transits can bring a loss or provide the determination and stamina to achieve a goal. Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and luck, enters the sign of Taurus in May for 1 year. This will affect your domestic environment. This is favorable for home improvements, a new pet, or an addition to the family, especially the second half of the year.
Saturn, the planet of discipline and structure, enters your sign in March for the first time in 29 years. This transit will last 2+ years and its purpose is to restructure your life. During this time, people, places and things that no longer serve your mission can change. Saturn transits bring stability and focus to your life. It is important to develop a routine or healthy pattern of work and rest. Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and luck, enters the sign of Aries the first five months of the year. This is favorable for personal recognition and an increase in finances.
Lunar Cycles
New Moon
The new moon is a lunar cycle that typically brings a new chapter to a specific area in life. The moon rules our emotions in general, so birthdays that happen to fall around a new moon will trigger emotional growth. Those who have a birthday within 2 days before or after a new moon will most likely go through a change in their life. Those who experience an eclipse will feel the changes on a deeper level. New moons can trigger anything from a birth to a death and the lunar period can last from 6 months before to 6 months after your birthday. The new moons for 2023 are:
January 21
February 20
March 21
April 20 (Eclipse)
May 19
June 18
July 17
August 16
September 14
October 14 (Eclipse)
November 13
December 12
Full Moon
The full moon is a lunar cycle that typically brings a change to your home, family dynamics, or any area of your life. The moon rules our emotions in general, so birthdays that happen to fall around a full moon will trigger emotional growth. Those who have a birthday within 2 days before or after a full moon could have an emotional year, especially if the full moon is an eclipse, which tends to magnify the year. The lunar period can last from 6 months before to 6 months after your birthday. The full moons for 2022 are:
January 6
February 5
March 7
April 5
May 5 (Eclipse)
June 3
July 3
August 1st and 30th
September 29
October 28 (Eclipse)
November 27
December 26