Greetings cosmic truth seekers! Welcome to your 2024 astrological forecast. This year we celebrate leap year and a visible solar eclipse in the USA. We also have the planets Jupiter and Pluto changing signs which portends a year of changes, especially in the USA since the country that eclipses are visible spotlights that country. Jupiter will positively impact the financial industry especially in the first few months, then Jupiter enters Gemini in late May which will increase travel volume and expansion in education systems. Pluto enters Aquarius this year which starts a 19-year journey of amazing innovation, automation and political restructure. Pluto transits into a new sign can trigger the transition of many souls so many could shockingly and suddenly transition. The following is a highlight of celestial movements, followed by brief synopsis of the 12 signs, and culminating with the lunar cycles. I wish you illumination, courage and confidence as your continue your spiritual evolution in this schoolroom called Earth.
Celestial Movements
January 20 – Pluto, the planet of transformation, enters the sign of Aquarius.
April 8 – Solar eclipse is visible in the USA.
April 20 – Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus for 2 weeks. (possible financial flux)
May 25 – Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, enters Gemini.
July 16 – Mars conjuncts Uranus. (possible violence or volatility)
August 16 – Jupiter square Saturn for 2 weeks. (possible hurricane or floods)
September 1 – Pluto retrogrades into Capricorn for the last time. (government restructure)
November 19 – Pluto re-enters Aquarius until January 2044.
Zodiac Signs
Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) – Pluto, the planet of transformation, has been affecting your sign since 2008. Those born on the last day of your sign will finally complete the Pluto transit in 2024. Other than those born on the last day of your respective sign, this is a period of freedom, and manifestation. The north node in Aries will assist you in co-creating a clearer sense of self-identity and personal empowerment. This is a great time for self-promotion and personal gratification.
Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) – Pluto, the planet of transformation, will strongly impact those born on the first 2 days of your respective sign – expect major changes from 2024-2025. The rest of the fixed signs will experience the positive energy of expansion and opportunity from transiting Jupiter until end of May. The second half of the year will focus more on transiting Uranus, the planet changes and freedom.
Mutable Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) – Saturn, the planet of discipline and structure, is affecting your sign since March 2023. This transit triggers the focus to eliminate unhealthy and unconscious habits and behaviors that undermine your potential and happiness. Saturn demands that you develop a structured routine which includes adequate sleep, healthy diet, and expressing your innate talents in a job or career.
Lunar Cycles
New Moon
The new moon is a lunar cycle that typically brings a new chapter to a specific area in life. The moon rules our emotions in general, so birthdays that happen to fall around a new moon will trigger emotional growth. Those who have a birthday within 2 days before or after a new moon will most likely go through a change in their life. Those who experience an eclipse will feel the changes on a deeper level. New moons can trigger anything from a birth to a death and the lunar period can last from 6 months before to 6 months after your birthday. The new moons for 2024 are: January 11, February 9, March 10, April 8 (Solar Eclipse), May 7, June 6, July 5, August 4, September 2, October 2 (Solar Eclipse), November 1, December 1 & 30.
Full Moon
The full moon is a lunar cycle that typically brings a change to your home, family dynamics, or any area of your life. The moon rules our emotions in general, so birthdays that happen to fall around a full moon will trigger emotional growth. Those who have a birthday within 2 days before or after a full moon could have an emotional year, especially if the full moon is an eclipse, which tends to magnify the year. The lunar period can last from 6 months before to 6 months after your birthday. The full moons for 2024 are: January 25, February 24, March 25 (Lunar Eclipse), April 23, May 23, June 21, July 21, August 19, September 17 (Lunar Eclipse), October 17, November 15, December 15.